November 2019 Neponset River Greenway News
River Greenway Council meetings are usually held on the
first Wednesday of the month at rotating locations in the
communities of the Lower Neponset River: Hyde Park,
Milton, Mattapan, and Dorchester. On Wednesday, November 6, 2019, we
will meet at 7:00 pm at the Milton Yacht Club, 25 Wharf St., Milton, MA.
Future Greenway Council Meetings
December 4, 2019 Foley Senior Residences, Mattapan
January 8, 2019 Milton Yacht Club, Milton
February 5, 2019 Hyde Park Police Station, Hyde Park
March 4, 2019 Port Norfolk Yacht Club, Dorchester
Upcoming Events Along the Greenway:
Tenean Beach Playground Ribbon Cutting Friday, November 8, 2019
of Massachusetts Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Kathleen
Theoharides and Department of Conservation and Recreation Acting
Commissioner Jim Montgomery invite you to attend a Ribbon Cutting
Ceremony at 3:30 pm on Friday, November 8, 2019 at DCR’s Barbara Colby Playground at Tenean Beach on Conley St. in the Port Norfolk section of Dorchester in Boston.
Playground Reconstruction Public Meeting Thursday, November 14, 2019
will present conceptual design plans for the reconstruction of the Pope
John Paul II Park playground and will share the anticipated schedule
for demolition and construction work. This meeting will include
information that was shared at a previous public meeting on this project
on Monday evening, September 30.
The presentation made will be available after the meeting at Comments may be submitted at the meeting, or until Friday, November 22, 2019, online at or by writing to:
Department of Conservation and Recreation, Office of Public Outreach
251 Causeway Street, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02114.
Please note that comments submitted to DCR may be posted on the DCR website in their entirety, and no
information, including personal information, will be redacted. If you
have questions or concerns or would like to be added to an email list to
receive DCR general or project-specific announcements, please email or call 617-626-4973.
Take the Embrace a Stream Challenge: Nov. 4-11
For a limited time only…Please donate to the Embrace a Stream Challenge today!
The challenge asks NepRWA and Trout Unlimited
members to “Give Where You Fish” to ensure that our coldwater resources
get the help they need now more than ever. Your donation will help
protect, reconnect, and restore trout in the Neponset River’s cold water
tributaries through the use of Environmental DNA (eDNA) technology and Orvis will match $0.50 for every dollar raised during this challenge!
Recent Events Along the Greenway:
Pumpkin Float on Tuesday, October 22, 2019
DCR and the Neponset River Greenway Council held our annual Pumpkin
Float for several hundred people on Davenport Creek in Pope John
Paul II Park at 5:30 pm. Pumpkins were floated with the south wind
upstream against the outgoing tide promptly at 6:00 pm. Photos by
Jessica Mink.

Greenway Council members handing out candy
Jack-0-lanterns floating up Davenport Creek
Celebrating becoming a Great American Place on October 27, 2019
On September 25, 2019, the American Planning Association designated the Neponset River Greenway as a Great Place in America. A
month later, we celebrated in the Mattapan Transit Police Station on
Sunday, October 27 while it rained outside. In Stella's absence, former
DCR planner Cathy Garnett, who retired from the DCR after managing planning of the Neponset River Greenway for 19 years, received the award from local chapter APA President Angela
Cleveland. Chris Worrell from State Senator Nick Collins' office
presented a State Senate Certificate of Appreciation to the Neponset
River Greenway Council, accepted by Council President Jessica Mink.
Photos are by Charlotte Fleetwood.

for the Award Ceremony
Angie Cleveland presenting the award to Cathy Garnett

Chris Worrell presents State Senate certificate to Jessica
Most of the Neponset River Greenway
-Jessica Mink, President, Neponset RIver Greenway Council