Neponset River Greenway Council Meeting
Wednesday, December 6, 2017 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Foley Senior Residences, 249 River St., Mattapan, MA
us for our monthly meeting as we discuss progress of construction of
the Neponset Trail and other issues along the Neponset River Greenway
with staff from the Mass. Department of Conservation and Recreation,
which manages it, the police who patrol it, and concerned
Our meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month at
rotating locations in communities of the Lower Neponset.
Follow us on Facebook.
The agenda is at
Future Greenway Council meetings
January 3, 2018 Milton Yacht Club, Milton
February 7, 2018 Hyde Park Police Station, Hyde Park
March 7, 2018 Port Norfolk Yacht Club
April 4, 2018 Foley Senior Residences, Mattapan
Along the Trail:
New Crosswalks Painted in Milton
Two new crosswalks were painted onto the newly paved Brush Hill Road,
providing safer access to the Neponset Trail from the Milton
neighborhood across the street. Flashing lights will appear soon; the
fixtures are in. Photos by Jessica Mink
New Bike Lane Almost Fills a Trail Gap
With the recent repaving of Brush Hill Rd. and Truman Parkway, new bike
lanes were added between the off-street trail's ends a hndred yards
north of Fairmount Ave. and the south side of Dana Ave. The problem
is that there is only one "No Parking" sign, and even it has been
ignored. On a recent Saturday afternoon, there were 10 cars parked in
the new bike lane, making it unusable. Photos of all of the cars,
with readable license plates are here. Photos by Jessica Mink
How To Do Bike Lanes So That Cars Don't Park in Them
The buffered bike lanes along Boston's American Legion Parkway in
Roslindale, a bit more than a mile west of the Neponset, were recently
separated from traffic with plastic bollards, which make it hard to park
a car in the lanes. Photos by Jessica Mink
Harvest River Bridge in Boston Globe Winter Bicycling Article
Boston Globe Regional sections on Sunday, December 3, carried a story on winter biking by Brion O'Connor. It is online here,
illustrated by pictures of Jessica Mink and her bike on the Harvest
River Bridge in high-visibility warm clothing for cold-weather
bicycling, though it was only in the 30's when these pictures were
Neponset Greenway Goes Downtown
Neponset River Greenway Council members Vivian Ortiz and Lee Toma shared the story of NIMBY on the Neponset at Livable Streets' StreetTalk10in1
downtown at the Old South Meetting House on Tuesday, December 5.
Council member Ellie Spring backed them up. Photos from Vivian Ortiz.

-Jessica Mink